This image is by RB, the artist who is part of the team making the webcomic Crezure. You can also see her Instagram here and her website here. She does commissions (like this one!).

This isn’t actually one of the first set of images she made for us, there are previous ones that we’re still sitting on because the opportunity to put them up as Top Webcomics voting incentives haven’t eventuated yet (so there’s more in the pipeline from this great artist to come!). Then Valentine’s Day was approaching and this opportunity eventuated where the artist was basically given the remit to come up with anything they could think of that was Valentine’s Day themed.

So this marks this year’s Valentine’s Day coming to an end, gives the VDSD image a week on the main homepage and helps us keep our promise of at least one new Exiern page a week!

As always in these circumstances, there’s a corresponding Exiern page here or click on the banner below (please try again later if the page at the link isn’t up yet).

3640_Exiern728v3Anyway, we hope you enjoy these both of these pages that are helping mark the end of the Valentine’s Day period. The only problem with Tiffany trying to cool down here is that she’s so very hot! We also have a variant of this image for you to enjoy here. We decided to go with the other version as the primary image choice because if anything, Tiffany’s all for extra straps and leather.

All Exiern related VDSD Valentine’s Day images can be accessed at the links below and the images seen through Top Webcomics will be up there until the end of March 2020 before moving to our Top Webcomics archive soon after that. Past images can be seen in the archives of Exiern and Exiern: Dark Reflections under the Valentine’s Day heading in the archive and the NSFW images you would have to have clicked through to are in the aforementioned Top Webcomics archive.


Exiern: Dark Reflections

Dark Reflections – Chaos

Dark Reflections – Zen

VDSD 2020 participants

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